Monday, April 1, 2013

Managers say Current Employees Lack (4) C's Skills (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity)

Managers Say Employees Lack Critical Skills

Remember how much time you spent in school going over the "Three Rs": reading, writing and 'rithmetic? Or memorizing all the state capitals? Or otherwise investing countless hours on fairly rote tasks? You may have thought that much of that effort was a waste of time and, frankly, you were probably right. Senior leadership today places little value on employees' knowledge of "facts" and is more interested in their command of what are often called the "Four Cs": critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. If you demonstrate noteworthy strength in these areas, you'll gain an edge as a valuable contributor to the company. Unfortunately, a great many top managers today describe their current employees as average—at best—in demonstrating these four critical skills, according to a recent survey from the American Management Association (AMA). Nearly 770 managers and executives took part in the research.

Managers Say Employees Lack Critical Skills

Job Prerequisites Three out of four managers feel the "Four Cs" skills will become even more important in the next 3 to 5 years.
Managers Say Employees Lack Critical Skills

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