Tuesday Interview: The Truth About Testing with Jim Popham
"Why is it," Jim writes, "that today's educators seem almost compelled to replicate their predecessors' blunders?" We'll talk with Jim about "the absurdity and serious destructive consequences of today's testing programs" and why it's "nonsense" to think that large-scale, high-stakes testing programs are the best way to determine which schoolsor teachers are failing and which are succeeding. We'll also discuss the ultimate impact on both teachers and students of this "measurement mess" and what we can do about it.
Date: Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013
Time: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern (international times here)
Duration: 1 hour
Location: In Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate). Log in at http://www.futureofed.info. The Blackboard Collaborate room will be open up to 30 minutes before the event if you want to come in early. To make sure that your computer is configured for Blackboard Collaborate, please visit the support and configuration page.
Recording: A full Blackboard Collaborate recording is athttps://sas.elluminate.com/p.jnlp?psid=2013-04-23.0918.M.9E9FE58134BE68C3B413F24B3586CF.vcr&sid=2008350 and an audio mp3 recording is athttp://audio.edtechlive.com/foe/pophamtesting.mp3 and at http://www.futureofeducation.com.
Mightybell: A Mightybell space with interview resources and to continue the conversation is at https://mightybell.com/spaces/46394.
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