Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tri-County Alliance (Update: Legislation on Education Funding Shift)

Greetings -

We first wanted to thank everyone for contacting your Legislators. Our action alert resulted in 2,000 advocacy emails to policy makers. It's extremely important they hear from us, so thank you for your efforts!
However, despite hearing from thousands of people opposed to their plan, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee reported out House Bills 4571 and 4572 on a party line vote. [All Republicans voted to cut schools with no replacement revenue, while all Democrats opposed doing so.]
These two bills specifically deal with aviation fuel used by private corporate jets and major airlines. The resulting cut to schools is somewhere between $55-85 million per year [they say they can't come up with an exact number]. Those two bills - HBs 4571-72 - are now on the House floor and can be acted on at anytime.
The aviation bills are viewed as a test vote for the gas and diesel portion of their package, which will cut schools by at least $750 million per year. Again, they have no plan to replace any of it.
It's important that our voices continue to be heard. Over the coming days and weeks, we will continue to ask for your help in communicating with your legislators on this issue. 
Thank you for all that you do!
Tri-County Alliance for Public Education
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