Hello Center for Michigan Event Attendees,
Thank you for sending your RSVP for the Center for Michigan’s televised town hall meeting in partnership with Detroit Public Television. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, March 6 from 9am-12pm at The Detroit Public Television Riley Broadcast Center, 1 Clover Court, Wixom MI 48393. Details here: http://www.dptv.org/ aboutus/findus.shtml?cmpgn=mn . Please park in the right-side parking lot when you arrive. We ask that you enter the building through the side door that has a green overhang that reads “Studio Entrance.”
The day will begin with networking and a continental breakfast at 9:00 a.m. You must arrive no later than 9:30 a.m. to be seated in the studio audience. The broadcast begins at 10:00 a.m. and will conclude at noon. A light lunch and another networking opportunity will be provided after the broadcast. As you know, this town hall meeting will focus on the findings in our latest report “THE PUBLIC’S AGENDA FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION: How Michigan citizens want to improve student learning,” which can be downloaded here. Additional information about the event can be found on the Center for Michigan’s website.
The special will be hosted by veteran journalist Christy McDonald, and will feature two panel discussions featuring leading education experts from across Michigan. There will be opportunities for audience members to ask questions of the panelists. Each audience member will receive a notecard during breakfast, on which you’ll write your question. We will do our best to allow for as many questions as possible, though our time constraints will limit the number of questions that can be asked.
The event will be broadcast on television in Southeast Michigan and will be available live on the Web atwww.thecenterformichigan.net, where it will also be archived for “on demand” viewing. Live television coverage in Southeastern Michigan will be available on over-air Channel 56.2, Comcast Channel 287, Bright House Channel 155 or Charter Channel 432.
Please note that those in the studio during the town hall meeting will be on television. If you are uncomfortable appearing on television, there are opportunities for you to view the event from the reception area and participate in the networking before and after the meeting. Please also respond to this email if you plan to attend, but would not like to be in the television studio.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at this event! We’re lining up expert speakers from across the state to discuss our findings, answer your questions, and listen to your point-of-view.
Thank you,
Amber Toth
Outreach Director
The Center for Michigan
4100 North Dixboro Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Office: 734.926.4284
Cell: 517.449.0943
Twitter: @CenterforMI
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